This cosy Gathering is a special time to relax and deepen our experience of the training in our lives or if you are new to the Training this will be a perfect way to get to know the community and Trainers and learn more about the practice of short moments and how to apply them in everyday life.
The Autumn Gathering starts with an optional Garden Weekend (September 28-29) for those who would like to combine powerful Trainings with serving in the garden with preparations for winter and harvesting our beautiful produce for our kitchen.
September 28-29, Saturday-Friday
Participation in one or two days (Saturday and/or Sunday)
Arrival: Friday from 5:30pm or Saturday by 9:00am
Departure: Saturday from 6:00pm or Sunday by 5:30pm
Prerequisite: Participation in at least One Day Introductory Training and a recommendation from a Trainer
Power of Benefit
September 28-October 4, Saturday-Friday
Prerequisite: Twelve Empowerments and a recommendation from your primary trainer.
Suggested Contribution for the Trainings: 450-750 SEK/day
And payment to the Center for food and accommodation 400-750 SEK/day
Apply here.
We look forward to seeing you!